Cats on Scooters

My love of two-wheeled machines is surpassed only by my love of four-legged creatures. I have the privilege of sharing my home with Princess Nevadelia Lotus Blossom. I’ve been her servant for almost four years. She is a ridiculously beautiful lynx-point Himalyan mix cat with a feather-duster tail. Despite the fact that her enormous blue eyes are crossed, she is a formidable moth slayer. Nevadelia adopted me from the local animal shelter and turned me into a certified cat worshipper.

You can imagine my insane delight when I discovered the Flickr group, Cats on Scooters. Their subtitle is, “Cats are taking over the world – and they’re using scooters!”

While Nevadelia enjoys lounging on the sunny veranda of our residence, The Aloha Cabana, her reign is limited to the confines of the property because a free-range urban cat is a dead cat. So I was stumped on how exactly I was going to participate in my new Flickr obsession with the cat on one side of the fence and my scooter on the other. Oh yeah… PhotoShop!

I just knew that college education would come in handy some day.

So I give you Princess Nevadelia Lotus Blossom, taking an imaginary nap on Aphrodite.

About kristin

I launched Scooter Lust in 2008 to fill the void of all-inclusive scootering sites. I've been riding for 22 years and I have a degree in journalism. I create all the content on this site. I'm so happy you're here! Read more about me, leave a comment or contact me.

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  1. if you liked cats on scooters, you might also enjoy theh following flickr groups:
    catloaves and tuxedocats. Keep your eyes peeled for my favorite tux’s Milo and Irwin, and a very sleek looking Devon Rex on a Vespa by the name of Vegas (my friend jenny’s kitty)

  2. Thanks for the flickr group. This summer my cats have been using my scooter more than me, since I have not had the time or money to fix it. Also it has been the most atrocious summer here in the UK. Now it is Autumn, the days are perfect, but I cant ride because my license has expired (you have to get regular training in the UK in order to ride anything 2 wheeled). Bummer. Its only an automatic and at this rate I’ll be drawing my pension before I learn to ride a vintage scooter!

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